Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Services

Optimize your carbon footprint, address growing compliance expectations, and reduce costs by understanding and reducing your organization’s greenhouse gas emissions. Our team can help you meet your disclosure needs, enhance stakeholder transparency, and position your business for sustainable and profitable growth.

Beyond compliance, measuring your emissions helps identify opportunities for process optimization, innovation, and potential cost savings. Reporting on your company’s climate impacts provides greater transparency for your stakeholders and can be key to gaining a competitive advantage in today’s market as the value of sustainable businesses becomes more pronounced.

Two hands holding a globe

What GHG Accounting Can Do for You

Our guided measurement process leverages the World Resources Institute’s GHG protocol framework to measure your company’s Scope 1-3 emissions across all direct activities and your value chain. This increases communication across your organization, helping generate pathways and a tangible action plan for reducing your emissions in line with the scientific imperative to decarbonize. Outcomes of this process include helping you:

  • Become a preferred provider for large entity supply chains.
  • Utilize the data measured to identify innovation and cost savings opportunities.
  • Better position your business for sustainable and profitable growth.
  • Meet compliance regulations around your Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions.

Industry Quote

Every country, city, financial institution, and company should adopt plans for net zero and act now to get on the right path…

Antonio Guterres
Secretary General
The United Nations


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Get in touch with our GHG Accounting team.